This weekend hasn't been terribly exciting. A went to London yesterday, to meet up with his siblings (and T, as it turned out). They had quite a good day - went to the usual place in Chinatown, then had Thai for dinner, and talked about various things. These included the lack of alcohol at the wedding.
We have decided not to have alcohol at the wedding, partly because the wedding is at 11.00 and will be over by 5. 00pm (not usual drinking time and people might be driving home the same day), and partly because we thought Dad would prefer it. T and A's sister wanted to know whether they could bring their own wine, and was talking about providing "a crate" of wine. I am not sure whether they think we are not having alcohol because parents don't want to pay for it and are being kind (especially in T's case), or whether they really don't think they can sit through a wedding without alcohol. More than either of these two reasons I think it may be that they haven't read the info where it says about the timings of the wedding and reception and/or think we are having an evening do and don't want to have to dance without drinking (in which case I can sympathise slightly). Before I rationalised it with A I felt quite offended - why can't people just accept our decision and leave it alone. It's our wedding!

To add to the negative feeling going around when A told me about the conversation, it turns out he thought that the proposed lack of alcohol at the wedding was a direct order from Dad, even though I had never said this. I had said I thought it was what Dad would prefer, and that's why I thought we made the decision not to have any, and I thought A was happy with that. However, he wasn't really but didn't say anything and now it's too late because we've talked about the drinks with the caterer and sent out lots of invitations saying that the drinks served will be non-alcoholic. Anyway, people can bring their own if they really feel they can't do without - maybe they will be ok once they actually read the info and see what time we are supposed to finish.
I stayed at home and did the cleaning. I also put some new photos up in the lounge, in a frame I got bought when I left my opening envelopes job 3 years ago. It only had one picture in it, which was cut from a card. It has three pictures in now and is looking better. I also took a photo of me out of a frame and put in one of me, A and A's family (apart from his brother) with the swans in Hyde Park. After that, I blogged - started putting my dissertation into a blog about Libraries and the Second World War.
Today, not much has happened. I helped with Sunday school. A has put his name down for the refreshments, door and reading rota. We went to Debenhams for lunch and I went to try and find Ralph Lauren's "Ralph" body lotion for H's birthday. Looked in Deb's, Boots and Superdrug, but no one stocks it. Maybe I need to go to a bigger store. Or maybe it doesn't exist! This afternooon we chased people for addresses - half of A's friends haven't had their invitations yet, because he doesn't know their new addresses, and they haven't responded to messages left. We got hold of a couple of people. A talked to his friend in Malaysia - I'm scared of the phone bill now! I talked to him on MSN - much cheaper! He and A are very similar. They were at school together.
I had my new patient appointment at the doctor's on Friday night. It was an amusing experience. I think the Dr is a bit eccentric, or maybe he is just very American (or Canadian - I don't want to offend). He said, 'have you had any serious illness in the past?', I said yes...and handed him my medical notes. He looked at them and said 'Oh my God' after every item he read (imagine in an American accent for a more amusing effect), and told me to photocopy the summary of my notes. Apparantly my blood pressure is ok - I wasn't sure it would be, given the stress of work etc recently.
It feels really late - more like 10.30 than 9.30. I must stop typing. I think I may be obsessed!