Sunday, August 06, 2006

New things

At the moment, inspired by The Singing Librarian, I'm trying out new things on my blog. To this end, I have set up a test blog, so that if something goes horribly wrong I won't make a big mess where it matters. I think Blogger is slightly limited in the things you can do, e.g. you can't put posts into categories [or tag them], unless you use a 'hack' thought up by someone else. So this is what I intend to do, and I'm currently testing one way of doing it on the test blog. It's not working so far, but I live in hope! It sounds very cunning and I can see how it should work in theory, but we will see...


Well, it works on this blog, although not on the test one, which I think is to do with the age of posts. There are drawbacks in that, because it works using Blogger search, if you click on a category you get every post that even mentions the category title. This can be solved though, by putting a distinctive 'tag' on a post, e.g., changing music to -music- (or something) when it's specifically there as a tag (and also changing the category title to -music-) I will do this at some point. Anyway thanks to danchong for his clever idea.

Even later...

Well, I tried my cunning plan (see above) and it hasn't worked. I still get every post mentioning music. I will try other things when I've not been sitting at the computer for such a long time. Meanwhile, if you click on a category don't expect your results to be completely accurate. Sorry!
Having said that, it works ok for some things, e.g. 'GUCH', because it's quite specific. 'Books', however, doesn't necessarily turn up results about books, but it might turn up a post about shelving where books are mentioned.

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