Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I did a course on effective communication through assertiveness this morning, and all I could think to say about it in my other blog was 'it was interesting'. 'Interesting' is probably my most oft used adjective, because I can never think of anything more descriptive to say about things. I think it's good to find things interesting, and at least it's better than saying something was 'nice'. But my lack of adjectives make me look decidedly un-interesting, so really I should think of something else to say. The fact that I've managed to write a paragraph on my own use of the word 'interesting' says it all really. I'm not really doing anything to smash those librarian stereotypes.

Gosh, work is stressful at the moment, due mainly to the woman from last week: the saga continues, with me making various errors and not helping things. This was not entirely my fault, being somewhat due to the fact that I wasn't told something which I could have done with knowing to ease the situation. I could possibly even have avoided the whole thing occuring in the first place. Maybe I was told and I just forgot, but I don't think so.

Ahh Lost... I hadn't seen it for a few weeks but have just half-watched the latest episode whilst writing this. I've found the episode summaries on Wikipedia - some of the second series is also there now. It's all very curious... and of course, interesting.

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