Sunday, June 25, 2006


This weekend has been busy. I've been home (parents) and back, replete with parents, who have been to stay.

On Friday afternoon I (and Mr C) went home to attend two friends' Civil Partnership ceremony celebration, which was certainly a new experience! It was a great party - lots of people there so managed to catch up with a quite a few old friends, including one whom I've known since I was about eight but hadn't seen for ages. We were both in the church choir for years, but then she moved to another church, and when I left home we lost touch. It was good to catch up, although quite weird, as these things can be. Seeing my mum disco dancing was a rather odd experience as well! They had a great small big band (if that makes any sense) before the diso started. They were all friends of the happy couple, and played many of the classic big band numbers. I hadn't heard a live big band for years, and I really enjoyed it.

Yesterday we went to see grandparents, then travelled back home (our house) in dad's car. I don't know why, but I really don't like long car journeys. I enjoy driving myslelf (in my lessons), and short journeys are fine, but long ones are definitely not. I think I worry about getting lost and I am not in control of the car! I am such a control freak! EEEEEEK.

We made it back without incident and sat about for a bit, then mum and dad wanted to help with the garden - honestly, we didn't make them do it! - so we went out and weeded. The effect of this was that we are now left with about four plants and a lot of bare, dry earth! But at least the plants that are there now are 'real' ones and have room to grow now the weeds are out. The weeds were massive tall things with yellow flowers, which were quite pretty, but did block the view of everything else. We discovered we have a fusia and a campanula, and it will be nice to see them bloom. We're not allowed to plant anything in the garden, as we're renting, but we're hoping to get some pots or tubs, and stand them in the soil, so at least it won't look so bare, and will add more colour. I've been watching gardening programmes on tv, which is a bit disturbing, but I find them very relaxing. I can see why people like gardening. I think I'll like it more once I know what I'm doing. At least I now know everything now in the garden is not a weed!

Mr C cooked a lovely curry, which had broccoli in it.

This morning I woke up and felt angry. But why? I do not know. Sometimes I do. I felt grumpy and unhappy most of the day, although better when H and husband popped round for a visit. I wasn't too bad after that. I don't know why I get in these moods, there certainly wasn't any particular reason today. Maybe I slept weirdly or something. Maybe I am just odd. I feel sorry for Mr C who always gets the worst bits of me at such times.

Also in the news...I ironed, did the washing, washed up, put the washing out and made dinner (tuna pasta - my hands now smell of garlic).

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