Sunday, May 14, 2006

24 Season 2

We are now watching 24, season 2. Yep, I have got Mr C into it too. In fact, he has been watching more closely than me, as I've been meandering around the Internet at the same time. Always multi-tasking - must be cos I'm a girl.

Anyway, I've been reading some interesting stuff about the B'nai Noach (sons of Noah), people who keep the seven laws of Noah, the Noachide/Noahide laws. The Noachide laws are seven laws passed on to all people. They're called the Noachide laws, as according to the Hebrew scriptures, all people are descended from Noah. According to the Talmud the Torah (law) is a truth for all humanity, both Jewish and non-Jewish. These seven laws are seen as "the pillars of human civilization" ( According to the Rabbis, any person who observes the Noachide laws because of love for God and desire to live a holy life can acheive a place in heaven. The Noachide laws are:

1. Not to worship idols.
2. Not to blaspheme.
3. Not to murder.
4. Not to steal.
5. Not to be involved in illicit sexual behavior (adultery, incest, homosexuality, etc.).
6. Not to eat the limb of a living creature [not to be cruel to animals].
7. To establish courts of justice to enforce these laws. (see

Non-Jews are also free to keep any of the 613 mitzvot (commandments), apart from the following:
  • Keeping Shabbat (the Sabbath)
  • Keeping other Jewish holidays
  • Studying parts of the Torah that don't apply to the Noachide laws (however, one Rabbi has said that most of the Torah does apply to the Noachide laws)
  • Writing a Torah scroll
  • Wearing tefillin
  • Putting a mezuzah on the doorpost
  • Other laws that are a sign between God and the Jewish people specifically, e.g. wearing tzitzit

(Please click on the links for more information about Jewish terms)

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