Sunday, May 14, 2006

This week at work...

I was working Friday night and Saturday morning this week, which wasn't good. We sent the letters about changes in hours and the end of term out to the part-time staff this week. The whole situation with people's hours is so complicated that I get confused when I try explaining it to people. We have a meeting about it all next week, which I am not looking forward to at all.

Otherwise, things are ok. People got their letters confirming their positions. Got to know the desk staff a bit better, due to the fact that I was on the desk a lot at the end of last week. They are all nice, which is a good job really! I think things will be a lot easier when we (the helpdesk and the library desks) are properly integrated and open at the same times, all staff dealing with all enquiries (library and computing) etc. At the moment it is quite confusing, for us and the students. We should be integrated on 1st August, but until then...confusion reigns!


Anonymous said...

Meeting, meetings, meetings! We seem to get a lot of those!! Confusion will be reigning for a long time!

Lilian said...

Hello anonymous. Thanks for your comment. I don't get many! Maybe I should make my blog more exciting?

Lilian said...

P.S. Yes you are probably right about the confusion...