Sunday, May 07, 2006


I'm watching JFK at the moment. I've never seen the whole of this film (at least not that I can remember) because something always stops me from seeing the ending. The same goes for The Pelican Brief. I have no idea why this is the case. Poor Kennedy is about to be shot (it's quite near the beginning).

Yesterday we went to Wagamama's for lunch. I had chicken curry, Mr C had ginger chicken with noodles. That wasn't what the dishes were called, but I can't remember the proper names.

I've done quite a bit of shopping this week. Probably not a good idea, but at least I now have some things other than work clothes, jeans and t shirts to wear. I even bought a skirt and a dress. People moan about Marks and Spencers, but I do sometimes find some good stuff there, that I can't find anywhere else. Anyway, Mr C and my friends will be pleased as they are often complaining about my lack of feminine clothing. I also went to H&M earlier in the week. I never usually find anything I like there, but I did this time. Good for my wardrobe, not so good for my bank balance.

It's been really warm during the day today, but now it's getting quite cold. Must go and concentrate on JFK, otherwise I won't have a clue what's going on.

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